

General and Cosmetic Dentistry in Harlem, New York, NY


Invisalign services offered in Harlem, New York, NY

When you have traditional braces, you can see them in photos and from afar. With Invisalign®, this isn’t the case. BH Dental NY in the Morningside Heights neighborhood of Harlem, in Manhattan, provides this orthodontic treatment alternative to give you straighter teeth in a more discrete manner. To schedule your Invisalign consultation with Leslie Azran, DDS, and the team, call the New York City practice or book online today. 

Invisalign Q & A

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a widely trusted orthodontic treatment that uses a series of clear aligners to pressure your teeth into new positions. These aligners serve the same function as braces: They align your teeth to optimize and balance your bite. 

During an initial planning visit at BH Dental NY, the team discusses your goals in depth and takes digital impressions and X-rays of your smile. They use these images to get a full scope of your bite, and they begin to plan and predict the movement of your teeth with Invisalign. 

The team uses your impressions to create a series of aligners, each of which gets your teeth a little closer to the final result. 

What can Invisalign treat?

Dental professionals use Invisalign to treat many types of misalignment that cause an imbalanced bite. With pressure distributed unevenly across your arches, certain teeth are especially prone to wear and damage. Fortunately, balancing your bite with Invisalign can help you avoid such complications. 

You can use Invisalign to correct:

  • Underbite
  • Overbite
  • Crossbite
  • Open bite
  • Mild crookedness

Correcting these issues with Invisalign doesn’t just balance your bite and reduce your risk of tooth injuries, but it can also result in a more symmetrical or visually appealing smile. 

What should I expect while using Invisalign?

The team at BH Dental NY makes sure you understand how to use Invisalign before they send you off with your aligners. You must wear your aligners for 20-22 hours every day, taking them out only to eat and maybe for special occasions. After one or two weeks of using an aligner, you progress to the next one in the sequence. 

When you remove your aligners to eat, you must brush your teeth before placing them back in. There are no food restrictions with Invisalign, which is a major benefit over braces. However, it’s still important to keep your teeth and the aligners themselves as clean as possible to avoid issues like cavities that can affect treatment. 

You don’t need to visit the BH Dental NY office very often with Invisalign because the treatment requires no regular adjustments like braces. However, the team expects to see you every so often to check on your progress. The time it takes to complete the treatment varies, but the team can predict the duration during your initial consultation. 

Invisalign is a more discrete alternative to traditional metal braces. To find out if you’re a good candidate, call BH Dental NY or schedule your consultation online today.